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Dear Gerard, The whole festival was extremley impressive from the beginning to the end. The region of Morbihan must be very proud to have one of the best medieval festivals in Europe, all of which would not be possible or have happened without the vision, hardwork and professionalism of Mr Gerard Paugam.

président de l’association Française du Grande Arc Médiéval et membre du bureau pour English Warbow Society

I would just like to say what a great event the 2011 Malestroit Festival was, and that how much we enjoyed the warm hospitality that town provided us. The event must have been a huge undertaking, and it appeared to me that even the smallest detail was thought about very carefully. I have no criticism of the event at all, as I believe we were treated with the greatest respect and hospitality.

Spécialiste de l’archerie médiévale anglaise et meilleur archer au monde. Guiness des records.

Big thanks to Gerard Paugam also, without who the whole festival wouldn't have been possible. Merci Gerard. From every point of view, I felt that the Malestroit Festival was a huge success. I feel privileged to have been invited, along with my fellow English archers, to participate in this event in a setting as beautiful and relaxed as the town of Malestroit. It was apparent right from the start that the Festival was exceptionally well organised and of course the hospitality, the friendliness and generosity of everyone concerned, especially Gerard Paugam and his family, made the event something really memorable. I feel that these events become more and more important to maintain in terms of cultural links between our two countries and they help to remind ourselves not just of the richness of our cultural and historical past, but also how much our two nations have in common.

English Archery

The whole festival was far above anything we put on over on our side of the channel and we were dismayed to find that it didn't financially make as much as hoped. Nevertheless, we all feel it would be a shame if this meant that it won't be held again. Please don't take this as purely selfish motives as I think you have something unique with your event and as a group we would love to attend again and now we know the set-up I feel we can contribute even more to make it an even greater success. This type of event is something that people rarely do in this country which is a shame as it encourages a true sense of community and it was good to be part of it. One thing that really impressed upon all of us was the spread of ages of people taking part, family life seems to be increasingly fragmented theses days and it was nice to see it still exists at Malestroit.

English Archery

Chris Dawson

When Chris advertised this event on the English Warbow Society Forum I was unsure of what to expect as I do a huge number of events, both medieval and modern and have been lucky enough to have been invited out to places such as China and Australia to demonstrate making and shooting the English Warbow. This whole event was impeccably run with nothing left to chance, all our meals were provided and every effort was made by all the team to make our stay the best it could be, As far as event go this stands up with the best of them and my memories of it are all really positive, Gerard and his crew MUST be applauded for all their hard work in setting this event up and I for one have and will continue to tell people I know of the fantastic time I had. If we are invited back to this event, I personally will put it above all other events that I do.

DIY Archery